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The Punisher Self Defense Glove

(1 customer review)


The Punisher is a Patented, Non Lethal, Self Defense product created based on education and high impact training developed by IDTS.

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Our physical training program was formulated and tested based on interviews with convicted predators, including rapists, murderers and sex traffickers. Based on their predatory methods IDTS founder Marilyn P. designed verbal, psychological and physical curriculum. Armed with this knowledge, we designed and patented the Punisher Self Defense Glove.

The Punisher Self Defense Glove is a patented nonlethal impact weapon that delivers disabling blows with just 2.3 pounds of pressure! Non-lethal weapons are pain-inducing weapons used to minimize the risk of casualties and are less likely to kill a target. The Punisher Self Defense Glove Features a one-size-fits-all, no right or wrong strike design, and it’s easy to conceal.

Here are some quick tips for peak effectiveness:

  • Wear it on your strong hand.
  • Separate house & car keys to avoid removing the glove to open doors.
  • Don’t wear headphones. You are much less likely to hear or be aware of a possible assault.
  • Strike hard & fast! It doesn’t take much to disable an attacker, but you need to make your first strikes count. Also, don’t stop striking until the predator is fully disabled.
  • Don’t leave it in your purse or somewhere else, make it a habit to put it on proactively when leaving your home, work, gym, etc.


  • Delivers disabling blows in just 2.3lbs
  • One Size fits all
  • No right or wrong strike!
  • Comfortable and Easy to Conceal